Atomy Sunscreen


Atomy, bulutli texnologiyalar yordamida global kengayishni tezlashtiradigan tarmoq marketingini buzuvchi

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Embarking on a strategic consolidation initiative, South Korean network marketing behemoth Atomy has streamlined its global contact centers, aiming to optimize management and IT operations. This transition to the Genesys Cloud CX™ platform marks a pivotal step in Atomy's roadmap, positioning the company to scale effectively, ensure uniformity in customer experiences, and enhance the productivity of its agents.

Atomy, a company known for distributing high-quality products at competitive prices, is revolutionizing network marketing through the use of disruptive technologies and innovative business processes. The company's approach, articulated by Founding Chairman Han-Gill Park, hinges on maintaining "absolute quality" at "absolute prices." Despite impressive annual revenues of $1.73 billion and a customer base of 15 million worldwide in 2020, Atomy aims for significant global expansion, planning to reach over 60 countries within the next ten years.

Central to this expansion is Atomy's dedication to ensuring a uniform, top-notch customer experience worldwide, as emphasized by IT Manager SungHoon Choi. The company faces the challenge of catering to the diverse needs of its contact center callers, including registered sellers and online shoppers, who reach out with a wide array of inquiries from membership issues to product delivery specifics. Recognizing inconsistencies in handling customer inquiries across 18 countries and disjointed data collection processes, Atomy is seeking to streamline these aspects to transform and enhance global customer engagement.

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Atomy Accelerating Global Expansion With Cloud,countries%20in%20the%20next%20decade



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