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O‘zbekiston yiliga 3 milliard dollardan ortiq eksport qildi

Epizodni ijro etish

Xostlik qilgan
GEM yangiliklari

2023-03-28 14:11:45

Today's government meeting on foreign investment, exports, and collaboration was presided over by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Officials gave updates on the status of the project at the conference. Since the year's beginning, Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, $764 million in foreign investment had been distributed, 1.3 thousand major and medium-sized projects had been created, and exports had surpassed $ 3 billion.

He emphasized the inadequacy of these outcomes and the necessity to exert twice as much effort, particularly in light of the challenging global circumstances.

Read the original full content at Tashkent Times




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